We support the smooth running of the everyday life of our customers
We support the smooth running of the everyday life of our customers by offering safe, high-quality and friendly service and by ensuring the reliability of electricity network services in all circumstances.
Customer satisfaction and the customers’ experience of Elenia’s services are two of the cornerstones of our sustainability programme. They indicate the extent to which we and our partners have succeeded in our task.
We cannot influence storms. However, we can mostly get quick updates about any disruptions in electricity distribution with the help of our round-the-clock monitoring and smart technology. Our efforts to upgrade and weatherproof the ageing network have resulted in storms and snow loads causing clearly fewer disruptions in electricity distribution and in the everyday lives of our customers.
In addition to reliability, the information security of our services and operations is extremely important and we manage it as part of Elenia’s overall security. Our responsibility for the security of supply is also underscored by the impacts of the European security crisis on Finland.

In our Sustainability Report's section Customer experience and the quality of electricity network services you can read about our
- services for households, businesses and society
- customer promises and customer satisfaction
- electrification and network development
- network investments and reliability of electricity distribution
- maintenance of electricity network
- security of supply and contingency
- information security
- moderate pricing and long-term development
- continuous sustainable renewal