Sustainable occupational safety
When it comes to the basics, it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone is able to work in a safe and healthy working environment. Both the employees of Elenia and the employees of our partners must have the required qualifications and skills to perform their tasks. Safety skills are an essential part of each employee’s professional competence.

“TEKO – Returning home in good health” is an initiative, which includes all of the main contractors involved in the construction and maintenance of Elenia’s electricity network. As a network, the companies also take responsibility for safety awareness and safe working practices being put into action among their subcontractors. The initiative’s impact extends to as many as a thousand employees at Elenia’s construction sites.
The “TEKO – Returning home in good health” initiative highlights safety in many different ways. All accidents and near-miss situations are handled to prevent them from recurring. Together with its partners, Elenia provides ongoing safety training and orientation.

The Safely Back Home - safety rules
”The Safely Back Home”- safety rules tell in a simple form the occupational safety instructions already known from the law and regulations. The safety rules must always be followed at Elenia’s sites, and they apply to everyone working at Elenia and to those who visit in the sites. The safety rules consist of two parts, one of which highlights the importance of a safety attitude in the occupational safety, and the other focuses on safe work practices in different tasks.
The most important thing is that everyone has the right and duty to stop work on the site if it cannot be done safely.

- By stopping unsafe work, I can save a life. – I have the right and duty to stop work if it cannot be done safely.
- I know how to do my job – The induction training and my professional skills always meet the requirements of my job.
- I always think first – I do not assume, I ask and give advice. I plan my work so that risks are minimised. When changes take place in my work, I re-assess the risks.
- I care – I care for my own safety and that of others. I maintain my work ability and I look after my well-being.
- Worksite safety – I mark and secure the work area. I make sure the worksite and its surroundings are safe for me, my colleagues and external parties.
- Machine and lifting work – I ensure that safe distances to machinery and loads are maintained. I communicate during work in mutually agreed ways.
- Traffic – I take variable weather conditions and circumstances into account in traffic. I do not cause danger to anyone with my traffic behavior.
- Working at height – I use appropriate falling protection. I make sure no one below the work is in danger.
- Personal protective equipment and working methods – The PPE’s and tools used by me are correct and not damaged. I use the right working methods and suitable tools.
- Electrical work – I always ensure that there is no voltage in the system and that the correct live line working method is used. I know the electrical safety risks influencing my work and I comply with requirements.

Safety is based on the right attitude
In practice, safety is implemented equally with proper PPE, site fences and signs, training, orientation, instructions, manuals and risk assessments as well as the confidence and ongoing alertness brought by experience. Common ground rules ensure a safe working environment for the employees as well as anyone in the vicinity of a site. A good professional is invested in safety through a positive attitude and performs their tasks in compliance with the safety regulations. Rules and instructions are there for the safety of everyone who builds or uses an electricity network. They are made for all of us.

Advance planning and risk assessments ensure occupational safety throughout
Occupational safety is ensured by plans that have been properly drawn up in advance and complied with as well as risk assessments. A risk assessment is performed for each task. Risk assessment begins at the planning stage and it must be performed on an ongoing basis in order for the work to progress. The purpose of a risk assessment is to alert the person performing the work to potential risks and, primarily, to eliminate their causes. If it is not possible to eliminate the risk, an alternative safe working method will be devised. A safety plan will be drawn up prior to the start of the work, indicating a safe way of working. The safety plan includes factors such as traffic control, covering excavations, site safety and ensuring the safety of outsiders.

Site supervision is everyone’s responsibility
Site safety is monitored and ensured by means of different inspections. In addition to the client and the main implementer, inspections are performed by everyone working on the site, subcontractors as well as third-party inspectors. Monitoring helps to ensure that the construction of the network is safe both for the builders and bystanders. A constructed electricity network must meet Elenia’s requirements and it must be safe to use.

Required protective equipment on Elenia’s constructions sites
- Safety helmet with a chinstrap
- Safety footwear equipped with nail and toe protection
- Safety goggles
- Minimum class 2 high-visibility workwear
- ID card including tax number, Elenia’s partner card
- Other required PPE depending on the job
- Visitors are also required to wear protective equipment
Our goal is that everyone working for Elenia returns home in good health every day!