
Worker smiling
Mummut ottavat yhteisselfietä metsässä

Network safety

Read more about the structures of an electricity network to recognise them and know how to act in a safe way in their vicinity.
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Asentaja työssään

Occupational safety

When it comes to the basics, it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone is able to work in a safe and healthy working environment. The safety manual describes the key safety factors related to our operations.
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Pieni poika viltistä tehdyssä majassa lukemassa taskulampun valossa

Damaged electricity network

Storms, thunder, snow loads or small animals can cause power outages. We become quickly aware of extensive disruptions, and the information is accessible on our outage maps.
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Nuori mies ja tiskikone

Electrical safety at home

Electricity is safe to use as long as you install and use electrical devices correctly. Please follow the user instructions, only use safe electrical devices and familiarise yourself with our safety instructions.
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