Suspension of electricity distribution

Electicity work

Place an order well in advance

You can request a suspension of electricity distribution, e.g. for occupational safety reasons, maintenance or renovation work, due to oversized transport or for some other work arrangements.

Place your order at least 3 weeks before the required suspension time. We will need time to plan the disconnection of electricity and work arrangements and, if necessary, notify our customers of the planned disruption well in advance. If the schedule is too tight, we cannot guarantee that your preferred schedule can be met. We will respond to your query within three working days.

The maximum continuous duration of a power outage concerning customers is three hours. We always aim to make arrangements to distribute the electricity via other channels as extensively as possible.

You can place an order for a suspension of electricity applicable to one access place with our customer service team Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–8 p.m. and on Saturdays 9 a.m.–4 p.m. at 020 690 025.