The Supreme Administrative Court decision (12 December 2018) is not expected to have material impact on the Elenia group’s business

Elenia Lämpö Oy, the heating company of the Elenia group, operates the Vanaja power plant in Hämeenlinna. The Regional State Administrative Agency (AVI) issued an environmental permit on 16 November 2015 where it considers that the K4 boiler at the Vanaja plant does not fall under the relevant exception for emission limits of the so-called ‘old existing’ district heating plants under the Finnish Decree on environmental requirements for large energy generation units (936/2014) which entered into force on 20 November 2014 and which is applied to existing combustion plants as from 1 January 2016. Elenia Lämpö Oy appealed the AVI’s permit decision to the Administrative Court and further to the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC).

On 12 November 2018, the SAC rejected Elenia Lämpö Oy’s appeal. Elenia expects that the SAC decision will not have material impact on the group’s business. Elenia Lämpö Oy is cooperating with the authorities and taking measures to comply with the stricter emission limits applicable to the K4 boiler. As announced on 15 November 2018 (please see here), Elenia Lämpö Oy has also decided to invest in the renewal of the Vanaja power plant, an important part of which is the investment in a new biofuel boiler which will replace the current K4 boiler.

More information:
Elenia Lämpö Oy, CEO Matti Tynjälä, tel. +358 40 779 6258
Elenia Lämpö Oy, Head of Technics Anne Piispanen, tel. +358 40 720 8065