Elenia’s sustainable development and ESG impacts have been evaluated for five years – GRESB 2022 result excellent 96
Elenia continues to pursue sustainable development in the areas of environmental and social responsibility as well as with corporate governance. Elenia scored full five stars for the fifth time and reached a result 96 out of 100. The result was +1 point higher from last year.
Globally 649 infrastructure companies from different sectors took part in the GRESB Infrastructure Assessment which was arranged for the seventh time this year. Elenia ranked forty-sixth in the overall results. Elenia reached the third highest score among ten Network Utilities: Electricity Distribution Companies. Elenia took part in the GRESB Infrastructure Assessment for the first time in 2018.
The expectations of stakeholders and society are growing every year with regards to the sustainable business of companies. Companies are expected to demonstrate clearly and transparently that they consider different ESG factors in their business and implement impact assessment of these factors. The GRESB 2022 results state that Elenia makes sustainable choices in energy and climate work as well as in meeting emission reduction targets. Elenia is continuing a staunch development path with its governance issues, risk management and stakeholders through the green transition. Elenia’s sustainability targets for the coming year are to achieve emission reduction targets, the implementation of Human Right Due Diligence and consideration of biodiversity factors in business.

The international GRESB system assesses the sustainability of the infrastructure sector and offers us an important benchmark and research tool for the continuous development of sustainability as it provides information about the global development of sustainability in the infrastructure sector. GRESB assesses the performance of companies in environmental matters, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance. Measurements of sustainability and performance cover e.g. the operating principles and policies of Elenia, employees, stakeholder collaboration as well as supply chains.